
I will dedicate it to you.
For it is because of you
That I can stand this ground–
No matter what I’m through..
For every debut,
I am dedicating me..
And this life!
To you.
I take the strength to continue
From you,
I will make do
I have to–
For if I ever muddle,
Whose smile will you construe?
The day where you’ll have these eyes to..
Gaze back through!–gaze right through.
Before you finally choke off an adieu!

Photo Cred: wally.


She suffocates.
Her cheeks a dreary waterfall.
She sat there on the floor,
looking blankly at the dark
crawling per the window.
She drowned in the abeyance of her crumpling reveries.
Aback—her eyes glared;
she stopped,
her chest heaving—
and it hit her,
right then:
Papers were never a good listener.


Photo Credit: Wally.

The Dam..

As a child, I’d always been fascinated by the dam.. and the river.. and how the water flowed. “How many doors are open now?” I would ask. And my cousins would go on describing how the water once reached the houses when more than three doors were open at once, and how scary the dam was when it was full. Water avalanche (or something)! The aftermath an apocalyptic scene. The trees disappeared.. and so did the family clusters who’d scatter here and there, children running around, cackling and shit—all gone. I’d always pictured us playing ball there and then disappearing slowly—going faint till we vanish, just like they do in movies. Then I’d think of the men there, disappearing as well, and feel relieved they’re not killing the poor fish for fun anymore.

Now every now and then, I imagine those giant dam walls fissuring, then collapsing. The water destroying that whole village to the tune of Chopin’s Nocturne Op. 9 No. 2. Like, and you can only hear that. Movies always make things easier to imagine, don’t they? Ground splitting in two.. or ten or whatever.. buildings caving in.. everything being washed out.. and people screaming, terrified. Sometimes it’s even fun to watch. It’s fun now as I imagine it.

I chuckle a little and go to sleep.


Photo Credit: Anthony Da Cruz

The Sunshine Blogger Award!

I’m wayyy too late in posting this. It’s exam period and there’s literally no time to do anything at all!! (Including revision 😂) Anyway, to halt any further venting, here it is!

I am immensely delighted and so profoundly honoured to receive a Sunshine Blogger Award nomination for the first time ever. Like ever!

I am so ever grateful to the amazing A Qoder’s Blog for generously and so humbly nominating me. Thank you a zillion times. You’ve enlivened my heart!

To those of you who have no idea about what this is, because I, myself, had no idea about what this is  24 hours ago:

What’s a Sunshine Blogger Award?

A Sunshine Blogger Award is an award given to bloggers by other bloggers for bringing creativity, positivity and sunshine into the lives of readers. (Taken from A Qoder’s Blog.)

The Rules

•Thank the blogger(s) who nominated you in the blog post and link back to their blog.

•Answer the 11 questions the blogger(s) asked you.

•Nominate 11 new blogs to receive the award and write them 11 new questions.

•List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award Logo in your post and/or on your blog.

Questions and Answers

1- What can I call you? (real/internet name)

You can call me L.

2- What does it mean?

It’s the initial of my name. But it’s because I love L, or Ryuzaki/Ryuga: a character from the anime “Death Note”.

3- What is your site name?

A Book World! :v Can that be counted as a question, really! 😂

4- What does it mean?

Like.. my blog is a place where you can only find stuff about books and such. And by extention, the book-related stuff and the other random things I write.

5- What is your blog description?

Here it is:

Books make such an amazing world! I’m no writer, but writing is all what passionates me. I love the feel of it.. how the thought builds itself out of words that would travel and befuddle and inspire! 💕 (…) I’m a writing enthusiast. I dream to be a writer. A writer like those who have always inspired me. And in whose books I get lost. But meanwhile I get my feet back to earth, I write anything and everything, and there isn’t one thing that passionates me just as much! In here, you’ll find crazy book reviews, poems, essays, reflections, some stuff that I can’t name yet, 😅 and all sorts of writings! Hope you enjoy! 🙂 (End quote :v)

6- How important is it for you, a blog description?

I think it is pretty important. The About section is one of the first things I check in a blog, simply because one has to know who this person is and what their blog’s about. Through that, one can be more connected with whatever they’ll be reading in that blog. It’ll help them understand their purpose and more or less develop this “special” relationship with the blogger. They’ll have this little space devoted for them in their memory and it’ll sort of ring a bell the next time they read them.

7- When did you start blogging?

Well, technically speaking, I’ve only started blogging about a year ago. But before making my first WordPress blog, I had been publishing on my Bookstagram account a couple of years before that. I had always had this intention of having a blog and putting whatever I write in it. (Instead of forcibly putting up with Instagram’s bloody text restrictions!) Then someone (Thank you, Qais!) inspired me to have a blog on WordPress and voilà!

8- What kind of content do you like to read from a blog? (Music, humor, religion, tech, tips, or something like that, with explanation.)

Pretty everything, really. Especially book-related stuff: reviews, recommendations, analyses, etc. Poems, as well. (Freaking love poems.) Medical and scientific content, too. Fitness/Yoga. Also things about psychology, philosophy, history, culture.. All what’s humanities, quoi. It’s my field of study and just what sums up my preferences as a student.

9- What does ‘like’ mean to you?

Means someone liked the rubbish I’ve just written. 😂

10- What does ‘comment’ mean to you?

Someone has something to say about the rubbish I’ve just written. 😂😂

11- Create a question on your own and answer it!

It was hard to choose but here you go..
What does writing mean to you?

For me, writing isn’t simply scribbling a thought that happened to cross my mind; it’s much, much deeper than that. Writing for me is like talking to someone and knowing they will find the exact right words to comfort you. It’s like always having somebody to talk to. A person who will understand you like no one will. I pour my heart into words and everything feels less difficult to bear. It’s such a powerful thing. How words can carry so much yet so little. How incredible the meanings one can mold with simple words are. And just how refreshing it is when you put that last point, look at it, and take a deep, pacifying breath. I write because I need to, not because I want or like to. And I don’t care how simple or stupid it comes out. It doesn’t need to be perfect; it’s not for anyone but me. And so it’ll always be.


1. Yuulye – A Qoder’s Blog.

2. Qais – The Fictional Indian.

3. ‎Colleen Chesebro – The Fairy Whisperer.

4. F. G. M. – Words in the Light.

5. ‎Raven & Beez.

6. ‎Singledust.

7. Sophia Ismaa Writes.

I can’t wait to read your answers you guys!! Don’t forget to notify me when you do! (And please feel free to ignore the tag in case you don’t have time for this. 😆)

(Couldn’t find more bloggers. Is that okay? 😅 *noob shrink*)

My Questions

1- What does blogging, or writing in general, mean to you?

2- ‎What do you aim at while blogging? (What’s your main purpose?)

3- ‎Where do you see yourself in the future? What do you aspire to be?

4- What do you like and dislike in my blog? (Very important :v)

5- What is your source(s) of inspiration when you write? And who is your number one idol?

6- What’s your favourite book(s) ever? (I put an s ’cause I know the struggle.)

7- If you could ever order a manual about anything in life, what would it be entitled? (Be specific. e.g. How to Be a Better Lover? Or: How to Make Killer Spaghetti?)

8- What is the thing you want to improve in yourself as a person and as a blogger?

9- If there’s something you want to change in the whole world, what will this thing be? (If you have way too many as I’m sure you do, state the ones you really want changed.)

10- If you were ever granted a wish, what will this wish be? (Yes, only one.)

11- ‎Ask a question of your choice and answer it! (Surprise me! LOL.)

12- ‎(Special to Yuulye) What made you nominate me? (Apart from me not having any Award before. 😂)

Thanks for reading if you actually got to here! XD Here’s an apple. 🍎


Running towards a deceitful mirage

Illusive …


A snake that inserts its fangs,

Crushing your limbs and cutting into your flesh,

Tearing it apart

Its venom pouring into your veins,

Numbing you

But throeing every inch back to life

Killing and reviving

It’s toxic …

A reminder of your existence,

And the aching yet ahead.

Photo Cred: Zachary Young